Looking forward

Looking back on 2020 and 2021 it seems I rose to challenges that I never imagined I would achieve, including painting on my own in my studio, talking to the public about my art, doing a commission, drawing every day, and committing to getting a new website designed.

The question I face now is “How do I keep the momentum going forward into 2022?” I can dream, have ideas, make goals, but initiating all the ideas and plans is a daunting task as whatever I wish, dream etc. will have to be realistic and achievable so it does not push me into overwhelm.

I received an email a few months ago that I had written to my future self. Most everything I said I would achieve in 2 years did happen, with the exception of one large plan that could not be achieved because of the Covid monster. We were planning on renovating our home, but builders and materials were a rare commodity so that project is still on hold.

More sketching, walking, regular exercise, meditation will all be continuing in 2022 as well as painting classes and taking an active part in my art groups.

I’m going to enrol in a ceramic class and who knows if the clay work will affect and develop my own art work?

I want to search out more exhibiting opportunities in the UK and further afield, now that I have a little knowledge of sending work to other countries.

I plan on getting work professionally photographed again as it makes a big difference when applying to shows or putting work onto my website.

I’m presently dragging my feet doing an online marketing course but I am committed to finishing it by March. Marketing and business language leaves me confused, frustrated and angry so I need all the tasks to be translated into a language or form I can understand.

I had made a commitment a few months ago to post on Instagram twice a week, but I let that task fade and have decided to be kinder to myself and more realistic and do one social media post a week, either on Instagram or Facebook. I understand it is more important to show up on social media genuinely and interact and engage rather than posting for the sake of it.

I also need to send out a newsletter through my MailChimp and to produce blogs for my website more regularly so those who follow my work can gain more insight into my thoughts and process.

Going forward….. I know it is important to just keep going. Carry on what I’ve learned so far. Show up, be present, look after my health and wellbeing, smile, laugh, make time for family and friends and do things that make me fulfilled and happy.

That’s the plan so far.



In Search of colour
